Globalizarea oferă tot mai multe oportunități de a lucra pentru companii străine, iar interesul românilor pentru învăţarea limbilor străine este pe un trend ascendent în ultimii ani, fiind accentuat și de perioada pandemiei, care ne-a forțat să ne adaptăm tot mai mult la mediul online. O mulțime de persoane încă lucrează remote, iar astfel apar și multe oportunități de a colabora cu companii străine. În acest sens, Eucom vine în sprijinul românilor, de mai bine de 20 de ani, fiind alături de ei pe drumul de a învăța sau a-și perfecționa o limbă străină.
Eucom este un pionier în domeniu datorită cursurilor care se diferențiază de restul opțiunilor din piață, livrate prin metode de predare interactive care țin cont de elemente precum: culturi, mentalităţi şi comunicare într-un mediu de afaceri global. În urmă cu 10 ani, compania și-a dezvoltat propria platformă online și a pus bazele unui program de language learning unic în România, Agile Learning, care îmbină cu succes factorul uman, trainer-ul, cu tehnologia.
In 2022, the company recorded a turnover of 1.4 million euros, with an increase of 10% compared to 2021. In the active team, Eucom has more than 150 foreign language trainers and more than 100 client companies. For the language assessment service, 50% of the clients are from the BPO, Shared Services, call center area, 20% from the IT area, another representative industry being the automotive industry. For language courses, the company has more than 100 clients.
“For us, innovation has been an essential pillar in business from the very beginning, and this is also the motivation that has kept us going all these years. In the long term, our vision is to support 1 million people to advance their careers with the help of our programs, whether we talk about the courses, whether we talk about the assessments that we offer. The plans for the future also include the fact that we want to expand internationally, already having potential clients from neighboring countries. We are determined to make a difference in this field through constant innovation and passion for our craft.” says Delia Dragomir, CEO of Eucom.
In 2022, over 25,000 people have benefited from Eucom’s services, thus reaching at the end of the year to support 80,000 people to advance in their careers through test programs and courses customized to each one’s needs and specifications. They provided more than 150,000 hours of training in 2022 and for the next 10 years, Eucom representatives aimed to support more than 1 million people to advance their careers and be able to make a real contribution within the companies they belong to .
The year 2022 also marked a series of activities through which the Eucom company made its contribution to society, through a series of projects and collaborations with NGOs. Last year they offered a series of free Romanian and English language courses to Ukrainian refugees. They had over 200 participants whom they thus helped to integrate more easily in our country; and they also came to the support of Ukrainians who have experience in this field and wanted to continue their professional activity in Romania, co-opting a Ukrainian trainer into the team. Also, through a partnership with, Eucom has integrated and offered free interactive courses and lessons for students, as well as cultivating future skills through free content in English. More details about the Eucom company on website , Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin